Fill ‘Er Up! How to Properly Fuel Your Workouts
Are your workouts feeling a little flat? Struggling to hit the numbers you hit last week? Are your energy levels falling faster than a soccer player with a drinking problem? If you answered yes to any…
Tags:muscle gainpost-workout nutritionpre-workout nutrition
Are your workouts feeling a little flat? Struggling to hit the numbers you hit last week? Are your energy levels falling faster than a soccer player with a drinking problem? If you answered yes to any…
Tags:foodie giftshealthy eatingkitchen equipment
What do you get a foodie that has almost everything they need in their kitchen already? Below are six gifts for foodies that everyone who loves to cook will love. Here are 6 PERFECT Gifts for Foodie…
Tags:fitnessnutritionsports drink
What if I told you that drinking water after a hard workout isn’t rehydrating you as much as you think? Don’t get me wrong, drinking pure water is definitely beneficial, but for those who exercise har…
Everyone loves desserts, and even more, everyone loves convenience. That's why I'm giving you the best of both worlds with some of my favorite microwaveable healthy sweet treats recipes. I have always…
Let's face it: pasta tastes good, and for many of us, it may even have some traditional family value--after all, everyone remembers their grandmother's lasagna or mom's spaghetti and meatballs. The pr…
Tags:vitamin deficiency
We all know that keeping an eye on our calorie intake and macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat, and protein) is an essential part of having a healthy diet. But many of us forget the importance of micron…
Tags:nutritionpost-workout food
You hear a lot of different advice about when after a workout to eat to get the biggest energy boost without sabotaging all the hard work you've done by having empty calories. This conflicting advice …
Tags:healthy recipesweight loss
As a former gym owner and group fitness instructor, I have a lot of experience working with people of all ages and backgrounds trying to lose weight, get fit, and have a great time while doing so. Inv…
Tags:downtown seattlerestaurants
You’ve busted your butt at the gym, now it’s time to unwind and dine. Head into the city to get your protein fix or carb load with friends. There are plenty of hidden and not so hidden gems from which…
Tags:cardiodiet planworkout routine
A high-cardio training program improves your overall health in several ways. You’ll melt away fat and burn calories for weight loss. You’ll strengthen your heart, so it pumps blood efficiently. You’ll…